I enjoy doing light grafitti becasue you dont know what the final outcomes going to look like. you can spend many hours trying to get the right one. i like this one becuase of the way it goes round the hand and shiness quite bright.
Manchester's wheel is what i have taken many photgraphs of using different films but i enjoy using digital for my final outcomes. It helped it was a summer day for the lighting and i liked the angle of the photo.
Taken from outside my bedroom window just before it went dark. I like how the sky looked which made me take the photgraph but the building i liked how they went black which made the sky stand out very well.
This is a photogram i did for a fairy tale brief in college. I used newspaper and cut outs of fairies and hearts on the photo paper in the darkroom. Newspaper works well to give a different look to it.
This is another photgraph i took in Manchester on a summer day! The reflections is what i love about these photographs. The brightness of the blues stand out very well.
Taken on southport beach in the summer holidays. I like it because to me it looks like alot of big foot prints running towards the water! The skymakes the picture too becasue its so blue.
I took this on my digital camera when it was snowing quite bad. i love it because he has snow flacks on his wiskers and shows alot in his face that he is concentrating very hard.
I took this image for my Final major project (FMP). my theme for my brief was lyrics and i took the lyrics and showed it in a photograph. I used depth of field on the image so that the white card was only in focas.
taken in manchester on a very sunny day. i love the bright blues in the photograph makes it stand out. The reflections make the photograph.